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2020/2021 session

The Chairman’s Report (2020/2021 session)

Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) has another successful year in 2020/2021 on its commitment to serving Quality Professionals under coronavirus pandemic in Hong Kong.  This report includes the Society organization, major events and activities in the fiscal year ending 30th June 2021 as following.


Section A. Executive Committee and Representatives
Chairman : Dr. Lotto LAI
Vice Chairman : Ms. Jane Wong
Hon. Secretary : Ms. Sunny MENG
Hon. Treasurer : Ms. Angela WONG
Regular Members : Ms. Minda CHIANG
Ir. Dr. K.S. CHIN
Mr. Peter FUNG
Ir. Dr. Aaron TONG
Prof. Fugee TSUNG
Dr. S.L Mak
Dr. Catherine CHAN
Co-opted Members : Dr. Ken YAU
Dr. Jacky TING
Ms. Ka Po CHUN
Dr. Ivan Ng
Ms. Natalie LAW
Mr. Theo WONG
Ms. Susanne CHANG
Advisors : Mr. CP CHOW
Ir. Dr. Albert TSANG
Mr. Karson CHUI
Mr. Humphrey LEE
HKSQ Overseas Representatives : Prof. Frankey PUN (Representative of the Americas)
Dr. Andy WONG (Representative of the UK)
Dr. Zoie WONG (Representative of Japan)

Section B. Governance

In the 2020/2021 session, the Executive Committee met 6 times (4 times on-site and twice online) to plan and review the activities organized by the Society. One of these meetings was dedicated to formulation of the plan of activities in the year under review.

Section C. Activities

HKSQ activities held in 2020/2021 and summarized below:

  • Membership drive: 1
  • Workshop/Training courses: 1 (Online recorded video workshop)
  • Seminars: 8 (4 organized by HKSQ; 4 supported by HKSQ)
  • Conferences: 2 International, 3 local/Mainland
  • Study Mission / Technical Visit: 1
  • Student Project Competition: 0
  • Social Event: 1
  • Publications: 4 Newsletters
  • Government Funded Project: 1

These activities were well received by our members and other participants.

1. Membership, Membership Drive and Professional Certifications

Up to end of September 2021, the Society has 79 individual members (with voting rights) and 11 Corporate Members. The 79 individual members consist of 45 Ordinary Members, 31 Senior Members and 3 Fellows.

A membership drive was conducted at City University of Hong Kong by Chairman (Lotto) to attract new members from undergraduate, post-graduate students and industry.

The Society has 84 Certified Six Sigma Green Belts, and 11 Certified Quality Engineers on its registers of certified quality professionals.

2. Workshops / Training Courses

A tailor-made online video titled “Extenics Workshop: Quality Innovation from i4.0 to Q4.0” was delivered in the period from October to November 2020.

3. Seminars

Events Organized by HKSQ:

  • HKSQ AGM Seminar named “Local Production of Face Mask, Overcoming Obstacles – Lessons from Hong Kong’s Reindustrialization (口罩港產化,披荊斬棘之路-香港再工業化的教訓)”, 17 October 2020 (Online)
  • HKSQ and HKQAA Promotion Seminar on “Feasibility Study on Quality Start-up Development”, Cyberport, 8 July 2020 (Onsite)
  • HKSQ and HKQAA Promotion Seminar on “Feasibility Study on Quality Start-up Development”, HKSTP, 29 September 2020 (Online)
  • HKSQ Webinar on “Leveraging Industry 4.0 for enhancing overall productivity and quality performance”, 16 April 2021 (Online)

Events Supported by HKSQ:

The Society supported 4 quality related events hosted by other organizations in last fiscal year. We continued to support other local and international professional bodies in organizing seminars or symposia that align with our objectives to leverage the resources and allow members to join these activities at no cost or at discounted prices.

Dr. Albert Tsang and Dr. Lotto Lai of your Society were the speakers at the Technical Webinar on “Digitalization and Quality Management” organized by the Institute of Engineering and Technology, with HKSQ as a supporting body, held on 28 November 2020.

4. Conferences (attended by delegates from HKSQ)

International Conferences:

  • The 5th World Summit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ) organized by Macau Quality Management Association (MQMA) and pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (pre-WACQ – 全球華人品質聯盟(籌)) on 25th September 2020 (Online) (Dr. K.S. Chin, Dr. Aaron Tong, Ms. Minda Chiang and Dr. Lotto Lai attended online)
  • ANQ Congress 2020, Seoul, Korea, 22 – 23 October 2020 (Dr. K.S. Chin, Dr. Catherine Chan, Dr. Aaron Tong, Ms. Minda Chiang and Dr. Lotto Lai attended online)

Mainland China and Local Conferences:

  • Cloud Forum on Extenics 2020 (可拓学云论坛), 26 July 2020
  • CAAI Chinese Congress on Artificial Intelligence 2020 (中国人工智能大会), 29-30 August 2020
  • Metrology Symposium 2021, 28 May 2021 (Online)

5. Study Mission / Technical Visit

Dr. Aaron Tong and Dr. Lotto Lai visited ActiveCareGroup and gave advice on optimization of a face mask production line, 1 May 2020

6. Student Project Competition

Given the economic environment in the year of the pandemic, it was difficult to find a company to sponsor the event in the past year. Thus, the HKSQ company-based student project competition was suspended in the year under review.

7. Publications

  • HKSQ Newsletters of October 2020, January 2021, April 2021 and July 2021 were distributed to members to update them the past and forthcoming activities.
  • A project to revamp our website was completed in January 2021.
  • 2021 marks your Society’s 35th anniversary. An editorial committee led by Dr. Albert Tsang was formed to compile a publication to commemorate the anniversary.

8. Social Event

HKSQ Exco members organized a Quality of Life (QoL) Hiking Trip to Wu Tip Shan Trail (蝴蝶山徑), 2 Apr 2021

9. Government Funded Project

HKSQ proposed project named “Feasibility Study on the Quality of Hong Kong Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth” with the aim to enhance startup companies’ quality management awareness and assist their development. In this project HKQAA served as the implementation agent. We are awarded a sum of $1,050,129 under the SME Development Fund (SDF) to run the project. The project started in April 2020. Since Covid-19 had affected the data gathering process, duration of the project has been extended to be completed in February 2022.

Section D. Networking

Internationa l/ Regional:

  • KS Chin, Dr. Aaron Tong, Ms. Minda Chiang and Dr. Lotto Lai represented the Society to attend the 5th World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) Summit in the online mode on 25 September 2020.
  • KS Chin, Dr. Catherine Chan, Dr. Aaron Tong, Ms. Minda Chiang and Dr. Lotto Lai represented the Society to attend the ANQ Congress 2020, Seoul, Korea in the online mode, 22 – 23 October 2020.
  • Albert Tsang represents HKSQ on matters relating to ASQ.
  • KS Chin represents HKSQ on matters relating to ANQ.
  • KS Chin, Dr. Lotto Lai and Dr. Aaron Tong represents HKSQ on matters relating to WACQ.

Local / Mainland:

  • Lotto Lai attended the Cloud Forum on Extenics 2020 (可拓学云论坛) on 26 July 2020.
  • Lotto Lai attended the CAAI Chinese Congress on Artificial Intelligence 2020 (中国人工智能大会), 29 – 30 August 2020, in the online mode.
  • Lotto Lai attended the Metrology Symposium 2021, 28 May 2021, in the online mode.

Section E. Service to the Community

  • The Society served as a member of the Advisory Committee of HKQAA for Start-up Companies. (Represented by Dr. Lotto Lai)
  • The Society served as a mentor in the SUCCESS Mentorship Program. (Represented by Dr. Aaron Tong)
  • The Society served as a member of the HKQF for TIC Industry Training Advisory Committee. (Represented by Dr. Lotto Lai)

Section F. Internet Communication Groups

  • HKSQ LinkedIn Group (Established since 2009)
  • HKSQ Facebook Group (Established since 2010)

We continued to make use of Social Media such as Facebook and LinkedIn to share quality related information with quality practitioners worldwide.


We are thankful for the participation and support from members, partners and sponsors who made the above events successful.

Last but not least, I am sincerely grateful for the contributions of the Executive Committee during this COVID-19 period from 2020 to 2021.  More online activities such as seminars and workshops will be planned in future. Without your valuable contribution in planning and implementation, our administration and the above activities would not have been performed successfully.

Prepared by Lotto Lai

Chairman – 2020/2021

Jan 15, 2022 @ 11:26 pm