The officers and members of the 1998/1999 Executive Committee for the year ending 30 June 1999 are as follows: |
Chairman : |
Mr. K S CHIN |
Vice Chairman : |
Mr. Aaron TONG |
Hon. Secretary : |
Mr. Karson CHUI |
Hon. Treasurer : |
Mr. Winco YUNG |
Regular Committee Members : |
Mr. Warner YEH |
Mr. Albert TSANG |
Mr. W O LEE |
Mr. C P CHOW |
Mr. Humphrey LEE |
Mr. Frankey PUN |
Co-opt Member : |
Mr. Lotto LAI |
I am pleased to report that we have had another successful year for the 1998/99 session. Various activities, including seminars, training courses, and technical visits were organized by the Society during the last session. These events were well received by our members and the participants from both local manufacturing and service industries. The total number of participants was more than 415.The Society has continued to cooperate with other quality related professional bodies to further promote a greater awareness of the need for quality in Hong Kong and the state-of-the-art concepts and techniques in quality management and engineering aspects. Collaboration activities included jointly organized seminars, workshops, international conference, student project competition, HKSAR Government funded project, etc.
Listing of activities held in 1998/1999 session
A. Seminars/ Workshops/Training courses
- Seminar on “ISO9001 Version 2000”, 2 July 1998, 50 participants.
- Training workshop on “Designing Quality Products with Advanced Optimization and Variability Control Techniques”, 7-8 September 1998, 16 participants.
- Seminar on “QS9000”, 28 November 1998, 45 participants.
- Training workshop on “Manufacturing Strategies and Performance Measurements Tool Kit”, 28-29 January 1999, 16 participants.
- Training workshop on “Failure Mode and effects analysis”, 8-9 June 1999, 25 participants.
- Seminar on “TQM – Beyond ISO 9000”, 15 June 1999, 107 participants.
B. Technical Visits
- 25 members visited Cathay Catering Services on 23 November 1998.
- 25 members visited KCR Rolling Stock Station and Training Centre on 9 January 1999.
- 23 members visited Training Centre of McDonald’s Restaurants HK on 9 April 1999.
- 13 members visited CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories on 16 June 1999.
C. Membership Drive
Membership drives had been conducted for the Manufacturing Engineering Graduates in both The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong in April/May 1999. |
D. Other Major Activities
- The Chairman and Vice Chairman attended the third Shanghai International Symposium on Quality, Shanghai, 5-7 October 1998, and presented a paper about the current quality management practice in Hong Kong.
- The Society hosted a dinner party with a Quality Guru, Mr. Philip Crosby, on 21 October 1998.
- The Chairman participated as a panel member of the 1st Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Symposium on “Transformational Strategy Towards the 21st Century”, 20-21 November 1998, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education.
- The Society supported a one-day seminar organized by the Shenzhen Quality Management Association in the topic of “World-Class Quality Management Models – Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and Deming Prize” held in Shenzhen on 18 December 1998, with 70 participants. The Chairman was a keynote speaker in the seminar.
- The Society hosted a dinner party with Ms Tang Xiao Fen, Vice President and Secretary General of Shanghai Quality Management Association, on 5 February 1999.
- A new HKSQ brochure has been designed and produced. Efforts from our Executive Committee members, Frankey Pun, H B Leung and Humphrey Lee are much appreciated.
- The Society continued to support the 1998 Quality Management Student Project Competition organized by the Quality & Reliability Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. W O Lee, our Executive Committee member, served on the judging panel.
- The Society continued to be the proctor of the ASQ Certified Quality Manager /CRE/CQE/CQA examinations held in Hong Kong. Albert Tsang and Karson Chui, our Executive Committee members, contributed in serving as the proctors.
- The Society continued to support a HKSAR Industrial Support Fund of HK$3.5 million for a 3-year (1998-2001) project entitled “Developing educational materials to encourage and facilitate Hong Kong manufacturers for quality transformation”. Albert Tsang, our Executive Committee member, is one of the project management team members. A VCD entitled “TQM – Beyond ISO9000” has been published and two more quality booklets “Reliable Organization” by Philip Crosby and “Self Assessment by Quality Award Criteria” by T Y Lee will be published in September 1999.
Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to all Executive Committee members for their full commitment and support as without them we would never be able to accomplish the work we have planned.
Chairman, 1998/1999 session |