The Chairman’s Report (2022/2023 session) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section B. Governance
In the 2022/2023 session, the Executive Committee met four times (online and on-site) to plan and review the activities organized by the Society. One of these meetings was dedicated to formulating the plan of activities in the year under review, which were 1st October 2022, 7th January 2023, 20th May 2023 and 1st July 2023, respectively..
Section C. Activities
HKSQ activities held in 2022/2023 are summarized below:
- Membership drive: 3 (CityU, PolyU and HKMU)
- Workshop/Training courses: 0
- Seminars: 13 (11 organized by HKSQ; 2 supported by HKSQ)
- Conferences: 4 International (Online – WACQ, ANQ, IAQ & ASQ, 0 local/Mainland
- Study Mission / Technical Visit: 2
- Student Project Competition: 0
- Social Events: 1
- Publications: 5 (4 Newsletters & 1 Highlight for 2022)
- Government-Funded Project: 1
These activities were well received by our members and other participants.
1. Membership, Membership Drive and Professional Certifications
Up to the end of July 2023, the Society has 92 individual members (with voting rights) and 8 Corporate Members. These 92 individual members consist of 50 Ordinary Members, 35 Senior Members and 6 Fellows.
A membership drive was conducted by Dr. Lotto LAI through a program named “Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (BEng ITME) 工學士 (智能製造工程學)” at CityU in October 2022, “ISE 549 – Management of Innovation and Technology” under the MSc in Knowledge and Technology Management in PolyU held on 10th November 2022. and Dr. SL MAK from HKMU on 18th November 2022.
The Society has 71 Certified Six Sigma Green Belts, 3 Certified Six Sigma Black Belts and 2 Certified Quality Engineers on its registers of certified quality professionals.
2. Workshops / Training Courses
3. Seminars
Events Organized by HKSQ:
- A webinar named “Boosting your data analysis power with Python” on 23rd June 2023 and 07th July 2023 by Ray CHEN (Six Sigma Black Belt and quality expert as well as member of HKSQ & ASQ)
- A Seminar on “Quality and Sustainability: A Case Study of AS Watson.” was held on 26th August 2022 by a guest speaker Mr. Patrick CHIU.
- Achievement Release Conference for “Feasibility Study on the Quality of Hong Kong Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth” on 13th September 2022 by Dr. Lotto LAI (Former Chairman)
- November 2022 was Quality Month. Two seminars/webinars were organized, which were “Design Methodology in Automated Parking System for Smart City”, delivered by your former Chairman – Mr. Peter FUNG, on 11th November 2022, and “The Importance of Quality Improvement to Achieve Circular Economy” by Mr. Harry LI on 18th November 2022, respectively.
- The TID-funded project for start-up enterprises was introduced by Dr. Lotto LAI at The CityU Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society on 26thNovember 2022.
- A webinar on “Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to Determine the Associations Among Factors that Drive Performance” was held on 9th December 2022.
- A seminar/webinar on “How ChatGPT and Hyper-Automation can help you transform your business?” was held on 28th April 2023
- A seminar/webinar on: A Holistic Approach to Privacy Compliance and Recent Update of Information Security Standards was held on 10th May 2023 in the TQM office by Chris YAU (Deputy Director of SGS, Products and Services Development) and Natalie LAW (Lead Auditor of SGS).
- A webinar named “ASQ Certification Process: A Sharing Session” on 9thJune 2023 by Dr. Albert TSANG and Ms. Minda CHIANG.
Events Supported by HKSQ:
The Society supported two quality-related events hosted by other organizations in the last fiscal year. We continued to support other local and international professional bodies in organizing seminars or symposia that align with our objectives to leverage the resources and allow members to join these activities at no cost or discounted prices.
4. Conferences (attended by delegates from HKSQ)
International Conferences:
- The Future of Quality in Higher Education Summit was organized by the Quality in Education Think Tank (QiETT) of the International Academy of Quality (IAQ) on 9th & 10th and 16th & 17th December 2022. Your Vice Chairman – Dr. Lotto LAI was the last speaker. The topic of his presentation is “Innovation Methodology & Training Cases in Hong Kong Universities”.
- The 7th World Summit of Chinese Quality (全球華人品質峰會) was organized by the Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ), National Quemoy University (金門大學) and pre-World Alliance for Chinese Quality (pre-WACQ – 全球華人品質聯盟(籌)) on 16th September 2022. The theme was “Environmental, Social, Governance and Chinese Culture”「ESG與中華文化」. The summit was held on-site and online in Kin Men (金門). Your Chairman, Dr. Jane WONG, former Chairman, Dr. Aaron TONG, Dr. Lotto LAI and Minda CHIANG joined the summit, and your Chairman gave an opening speech. She briefed ESG and financial requirements in Hong Kong.
- The Asia Network for Quality (ANQ) Congress 2022 was held from 26th to 27th October 2022 in Beijing (Online mode). The year 2022 was the 20th anniversary of ANQ. Your Vice Chairman – Dr. Lotto LAI represented HKSQ to present “A Study of Hong Kong Quality Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth”.
- Our Overseas Representative – Professor Kit Fai PUN, is the recipient of the Hummingbird Gold Medal, a state decoration of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) instituted in 1969. The medal is awarded for loyal and devoted service beneficial to the T&T state in any field. The medal has three grades: bronze, silver and gold.
Mainland China and Local Conferences:
5. Study Mission / Technical Visit
- Your organization held a technical visit to Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) on 17th February 2023. HKSTP pioneers the state-of-the-art Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) at Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK.
- Your organization held a technical visit to HKUST (Guangzhou) on 21st July 2023. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)) is indeed the realization of this ambition to transform education for the future, with its cross-disciplinary academic structure designed to complement the well-established disciplinary foundation at the Clear Water Bay campus.
6. Student Project Competition
Since the economy environment changed and Covid 19 pandemic, it was difficult to find a company sponsor. HKSQ company-based student project competition has been suspended for the past years.
7. Publications
HKSQ Newsletters for October 2022, January 2023, April 2023 & July 2023 were distributed to members to update the past and forthcoming activities. Moreover, the Highlight for 2022 has distributed to members in May 2023.
8. Social Event
A social event named “Walking Tour was held to points of Interest in Sham Shui Po” led by Mr. CP CHOW (Former Chairman) on 19th March 2023.
9. Government Funded Project
HKSQ proposed a project named “Feasibility Study on the Quality of Hong Kong Start-up Development for Supporting the Sustainable Business Growth”, and it aimed to enhance the start-ups’ quality management awareness and assist their development. HKQAA worked as our implementation agent, and we received TID approved letter for $1,033,129 under the SME Development Fund (SDF). The project started on April 2020. Since Covid-19 affected the gathering, the whole project was delayed and completed in October 2022.
Section D. Networking
Internationa l/ Regional:
- Dr. Lotto LAI represents HKSQ to attend ANQ Certification and Education Committee (CEC), Board and General Meetings on 24th & 25th October 2022.
- Albert Tsang represents HKSQ on matters relating to ASQ
- KS Chin represents HKSQ on matters relating to ANQ
- Dr. KS Chin, Dr. Lotto Lai and Dr. Aaron Tong represents HKSQ on matters relating to WACQ
Local / Mainland:
- Dr. Jane WONG and Dr. Lotto LAI represented HKSQ to attend the meeting for the 2023-2024 Award Scheme for Learning Experience (ASLE) (檢測及認證業學習體驗獎勵計劃甄選小組會議) for Testing, Inspection & Certification Industry (TIC-ITAC) under Hong Kong Qualification Framework (HKQF) held on 27th July 2022.
- Lotto LAI was invited by HKCTC as a member of the panel on manpower development in 2023. The 8th meeting of HKCTC Panel on Manpower Development was held on 24th February 2023.
- The annual working meeting of World Alliance of Chinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質聯盟) was held on 15th March 2023. Representatives from Mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore participated at the online meeting. Your Chairman – Dr. Jane WONG and Vice Chairman – Dr. Lotto LAI, Dr. KS CHIN and Dr. Aaron TONG joined the online meeting to represent HKSQ.
- Jane WONG and Dr. Lotto LAI represented HKSQ to attend the 14thmeeting of Industry Training Advisory Committee for Testing, Inspection & Certification Industry (TIC-ITAC) under the Hong Kong Qualification Framework (HKQF) was held on 7th March 2023.
Section E. Service to the Community
- The Society served as a mentor in the SUCCESS Mentorship Program. (Represented by Dr. Aaron TONG)
- The Society served as a member of the HKQF for the TIC Industry Training Advisory Committee. (Represented by Dr. Lotto LAI and Dr. Jane WONG)
- The Society served as a member of the Promotion and Consultation Subcommittee meeting of the Industry Training Advisory Committee for Testing, Inspection & Certification Industry (TIC-ITAC) under HKQF. (Represented by Dr. Lotto LAI & Dr. Jane WONG)
- The Society served as a member of the HKCTC panel on manpower development in 2023. (Represented by Dr. Lotto LAI)
Section F. Internet Communication Groups
- HKSQ LinkedIn Group (Established since 2009)
- HKSQ Facebook Group (Established since 2010)
We continued to make use of Social Media such as Facebook and LinkedIn to share quality related information with quality practitioners worldwide.
Here, we are thankful for the participation and support from members, partners and sponsors who made the above events successful.
Last but not least, I am sincerely grateful for the contributions of the Executive Committee during the pandemic period from 2022 to 2023. More on-site and online activities (e.g. webinars) and workshops will be planned and arranged in coming years. Without your kind contribution in planning and implementation, our administration and the above activities would not be performed successfully. We will continue our quality and innovation journey.
Prepared by Jane WONG
Chairman – 2022/2023