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2000/2001 session

The Chairman’s Report (2000/2001 session)

The officers and members of the Executive Committee for the financial year ending 30 June 2001 are as follows:
Chairman : Mr. Aaron TONG
Vice Chairman : Mr. Karson CHUI
Hon. Secretary : Dr. K.F. PUN
Hon. Treasurer : Mr. Humphrey LEE
Regular Committee Members : Dr. K. S. CHIN
Mr. C. P. CHOW
 Mr. Lotto LAI
Mr. W. O. LEE
Ms. Agnes TAM
Dr. Albert TSANG
Dr. Winco YUNG
Co-opt Member : Mr. Peter FUNG
Dr. Fugee TSUNG
I am pleased to report that we have had another successful year for the 2000/2001 session. We had 9 Executive Committee meetings held in the session. Various activities, including 12 seminars/symposia/workshops and 4 technical visits were organized by the Society during the last session. These events were well received by our members and other participants from both local manufacturing and service industries.Benefits to members: Our members can get discount in several bookstores. They can also purchase quality management booklets at a discount price of HKD20.00 including postage and packing from the City University of Hong Kong. These booklets include:

1. Creating A Reliable Organization – by Philip B Crosby 2. Quality Awards and Self-Assessment – by Tat Y. Lee 3. Supply Chain Management – by B G Dale 4. Staff Training and Development – by James Duncan Bremner 5. Reliability Centred Maintenance- by Albert Tsang, Andrew Jardine, John Campbell and James Picknell 6. A TQM Implementation Framework for Hong Kong Manufacturing Industries – by K S Chin and B G Dale 7. VCD – Beyond ISO9000

The Society, up to the end of the1999/2000 session, has some 291 members, in which 69 are the new members recruited in the session. Starting from 2000, in addition to ordinary member, two new membership grades were established, namely Senior Member and Fellow. The association so far has 20 Senior Members and six Fellows.

The Society has continued to cooperate with other quality professional bodies to further promote a greater awareness of the need for quality in Hong Kong and state-of-the-art concepts and techniques in quality management and engineering aspects. Collaboration activities included jointly organized seminars, workshops, student project competition, and the Government funded projects, etc.Listing of activities held in 2000/2001 session

A. Seminars/ Workshops/Training courses

  • Seminar on “Quality Award Models” on 23rd November 2000 (40 participants),
  • Seminar on “The Balanced Scorecard: an effective improvement methodology” on 31st July, 2000
  • Workshop on “Self Assessment by the EFQM Excellence Model” (3-4th August, 2000)
  • Seminar on “UMIST TQM Implementation Model” on 20th November 2000
  • Seminar on “Quality Award Models” on 23rd November 2000
  • Workshop on “TQM Facilitator Training” on 27th Nov 2000
  • Business Excellence Workshop on 28th Nov 2000.
  • Seminar on “ISO 9000:2000”, on 3 March 2001 (50 participants)
  • Refresher Course for ASQ’s Certified Quality Engineer Examination, March – May 2001
  • Seminar on “6 Sigma Applications” on 25 April 2001 (31 participants).
  • Refresher Course for ASQ’s Certified Quality Manager Examination, July – August 2000 and June – July 2001
  • Symposium on “Global Supply Chain Management” on 27th April 2001, the Society is one of the co-organizers

B. Technical Visits

  • Visited the EPA Centre and Rapid Prototyping Centre on 28th March 2001 (10 Participants).
  • Visited Towngas Tai Po Production Plant on 23rd June 2001 (15 participants).
  • Visited SGS Hong Kong Limited (testing services) on 30 June 2001 (17 participants).

C. Membership Drive

  • Dr. Albert Tsang, our Executive Committee Member, has done membership drive for the 60 students in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • Another membership drive was made for some 100 students in City University of Hong Kong in February 2001 by Dr. KS Chin, our Executive Committee Member.

D. Other Major Activities

  • The Executive Committee members have met several quality experts and introduced our Society to them. They included Professor Tang XQ, Vice President of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, PR China and Professor Andrew Jardine of University of Toronto, Canada.
  • The Society and the Management and Executive Development Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University continued to organize the Quality Management Student Project Competition. This year there are 9 entries for the 1999/2000 were received from 4 universities. HKIE, IEEHK, IIEHK, HKQMA, and IQA (HK) supported the event. Besides, the Industry Department (now reorganized as the Trade and Industry Department) of the HKSAR Government was also a supporting body of the 1999/2000 Student Project Competition.
  • The Society continued to be the proctor of the ASQ Certified Quality Manager /CRE/CQE/CQA examinations held in Hong Kong. Dr. Albert Tsang and Mr. Karson Chui, our Executive Committee members, contributed in serving as proctors in the CQE Refresher Course in Mar – May 2001 and the Certified Quality Manager Refresher Course in June – July 2001.
  • The Society continued to support a HKSAR Industrial Support Fund of HKD3.5 million for a 3-year (1998-2001) project entitled “Developing Educational Materials to encourage and facilitate Hong Kong manufacturers for quality transformation”. Dr. Albert Tsang, our Executive Committee Member, has been one of the project management team members. One VCD and 6 booklets in quality titles and topics were published. Three other booklets would be published in the near future.
  • The Society was one of the supporting organizations for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (Hong Kong Chapter) to apply a New Technology Transfer Scheme with no financial liability, and organized a 2-day course on “Design of Experiments for Medical Manufacturing” in Hong Kong. Besides, the Society would continue to support several external funded projects. For instance, an application for the HKSAR Government’s Innovation and Technology Fund application that would help Hong Kong organizations to update their operations in line with the requirements and the approval of Food and Drug Association (FDA).
  • Furthermore, the re-design of the HKSQ web page was completed.

Aaron TONG

Chairman 2000/2001

Last Update: Dec 23, 2016 @ 5:52 pm

Dec 23, 2016 @ 5:52 pm